Hi 21, I'm 18

May 12, 2020

If you're reading this, know that the author may well have forgotten about it. You may have to jog her memory on social media.

12th May 2017 - 6:30am - Hannah's messy room

Hi 21, I'm 18.

First up, happy birthday! Oh my lord we're old. As a newly turned adult, I can't even imagine how you're feeling. Does it feel like there are no more milestones until you're 30? Omg how's the degree, we're in third year waaatt!! I have so many questions but first and foremost I hope we're doing okay. I hope with whatever stresses you're feeling, we still managed to keep writing and playing music, because we know that it's our medicine for the soul. But enough with soppy birthday cheer, on with the questions!

Do you drive? When did we pass? Do you have a car?  Oh my GAWD do you drive a car from the future that's not out in my time yet? CAN IT FLY? No. Obviously not she's only three years older than you shush.

Are you still friends with all the people I am? Most of my friends are already 18 (I joined the adult club yay!) but there are a few exceptions. Friends from shows who are 11 or 12! Hollie's 22. You're 22 next year, woah!

Did we cry on our 20th birthday. I feel like we cried. 20 seems so old I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Ew ageing gross.

Sorry to ask but... How's your love life? Shh, shh, just whisper it... Yep... Mmhhmm... Omg Hannah don't... Why of all people... Oh. Well okay then.

Oh well. We can still just go live in a house full of cats. Sounds like a plan to me.

So, how about life ambitions. I'm going to go ahead and say you have more of an idea than me. Right now, I'm coming to the end of school with absolutely no idea what I'm doing with my life and I'm a lil' bit scared. I'm scared of being an adult. Any advice bigger, better me?

One last thing. Can you tell I'm younger by my writing? Have we *shudders* matured? God I hope not. Go to a park adult freak.

I’m kidding. I guess I look up to you. A version of me I aspire to. Don't laugh 😂 I'm sure if you look to you at 24, you'll see something you want in her. And that idea will guide you through your life. Be the person you want to be in the future. That's aspirational living that is.

Well 21, that's all from 18. Don't get too drunk today, you have finals. But also, 18 year old me has never yet been drunk. I hope you're sticking to our morals!

I'll always be proud of you. Feels like I'm writing to a big sister really. Have a great day. I love you. You've got this.

Lots of love and birthday hugs,


P.S: Show me your housemates. I wanna know them!

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