#4: How To Stay Happy (For the Easily Emotional)

February 11, 2017

Now don't get me wrong, everyone has the blues at least once a month when PMS hits you hard. But recently, I've noticed myself slipping further down into the realms of uncontrollable sadness, where I feel oh-so-empty and unloved. It's like I can't find the motivation for anything anymore, all I can do is hug my knees to my chest and rock back and forth on my bedroom floor, while I try to muster the energy for tears. For those of you who can relate... there must be some of you out there(!), this what I do to fill my life with purpose again.

*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not treatment. If your symptoms are interfering with your life in any way, think about seeing your GP or local counselling services for a little more help.*

The little voice in the back of my mind tells me to take my own advice occasionally.

So here we are... How To Stay Happy (For the Easily Emotional)

#1: Small Steps to Victory

In order to get yourself out of this "I do nothing with my life" loop, make a list of everything positive you have done with your day. It could be something big, like you sent some important emails or de-cluttered your room. Or, it might be a small thing, like you got out of bed and had a shower, or smiled at something you saw on Facebook. Recording these little things means you can look back on each day and realise that you have not wasted any time and your small moments of practicality can contribute to your overall wellbeing.

#2: Create

Give your brain obvious proof that your hands make beautiful art. Now, I don't parade to be the most artistic person in the world... But I LOVE crafting. DIYs, fabric, wood, glue and paint - now these are some things I can rely on to change my mood. In the picture above, I got an old basket, a candle and a few stones and shells, threw them together and made a masterpiece! For an even cuter effect, grab a Sharpie and draw mandalas or write words on the stones. But you can make whatever you like. Think about the pain you are feeling and then think about a child. Child you couldn't have that pain... so let them out! Unleash the kid in you that can't get hurt and create something magical.

#3: Little Notes

Combining DIY with positive affirmations. What more could you want? Not only does this give you something to do, it reminds you of how you can improve your day in a little way. Put these in places of interest in your room - I put mine by my bedroom window, so I would always see it when I get up in the morning. It's also near other things I like, so I can create a corner of things that make me happy - my director's clapboard, a cool book and a new year's DIY! Make your own corner of happiness, with little notes of positive affirmation. Tag me in your creations on Instagram!

Picture Credit: ebay.com

#4: Exercise!

Okay, don't close the page. We all know exercise is boring and tedious and tiring... But is it? Recently I picked up some ballet shoes and joined a dance class, because it would make 9-year old me proud. I wasn't expecting much to come of it, as I started off with no experience and little in the way of accuracy and precision. Not to mention the fact that I'm hypermobile in my knees and my shoulders and quite frankly my back's just a bag of bones. Putting that aside, I joined anyway and what do you know? It seems there is a direct correlation between my happiness levels and when I exercise. That's because exercise forces you to breathe more, increasing oxygen levels in cells and making you feel more awake. If you feel tired, groggy or depressed, one of the best things you can do is to find a sport that interests you, or do a few stretches every morning, take up yoga! This is something that has really helped to take my mind off the bad demons...


#5: Tea & Biscuits

If all else fails and especially if you're British, there is nothing quite like a hot cuppa with a chocolate digestive to lighten your mood. My mum will always bring me one if I've had a bad day, I think she senses it and it suddenly becomes 'all systems go in the PG Tips department'. I think I remember reading somewhere that chocolate's good for the mood as well, it's why I always eat so much of it on my period. Well, just every day really. I just love chocolate really. But it does help to calm me down when things are building up.

Let me know what works for you when you need to stay happy. Send me a picture via my social media links (in the top bar) if you try anything out and remember...

There's lots more to come...

Hannah x

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