#16: Becoming 18 | A Coming of Age Post
May 06, 2017This is my last blog post as a child! Next Friday, in just six days time, I end my run as a youngster and have to grow up... Or, maybe not!
Here's a list of all the childish things I assuredly will continue doing as an adult.
1. Playing
I'm talking playgrounds, fairgrounds, rolling down grass hills. I will never cease to want to be a four-year old. I did my AS Music revision on a swing.
2. Not Paying Attention
Every child knows that EVERYTHING is exciting. There's simply too much to pay attention to and I for one have the world's shortest attention sp-
3. Competition
For some reason competitions mean my voice gets louder, my arms start flailing about and I become overall far more argumentative. And that's not gonna stop, okay? OKAY?!
4. Making Unfunny Jokes
See above.
5. Being Immature
'That's what she said' and low-brow humour have provided me with some of life's most comedic moments and although I can control it in social situations, if we're on friend territory, my humour is quite literally in the toilet.
6. Tantrums
Not the screaming 8-year old kind. More 'I can't turn the dishwasher on' and lots of crying. God help the world when the microwave's down. It's like a student version of toddlers and tiaras.7. Self-Expression
I say what I feel, when I feel like it and there's some beauty in it. A child has an innocence about them that means they cannot feel self-hatred or do themselves wrong. Exploration and self-expression were and still continue to be my highest priorities.
At the end of the day, letting your inner child out once in a while is good for the soul. Share the spirit of a young one and, for the last time as a child (waaaahhh) remember...
Hannah x
What do you think? There's lots more to come..