#31: The Shortlist | August

August 30, 2017

I'll be honest with you, for most of August I've been buying things like duvets and teatowels, which aren't exactly the kinds of things that should make a monthly favourites! But, I have a few things which I'm excited to use in September, as well as a few things I have actually tried and tested, which I shall tell you about henceforth... and yes I know it's Wednesday... but I'm sure it's Tuesday somewhere!

Hair & Beauty

  • Crazy Colour 'Peacock Blue' - I got my half-shaved head dyed this colour earlier in the month and my hairdresser advised me to get my own bottle of this as a top up. It's a really vibrant turquoise and after a couple of washes to soften it, shines like the Mediterranean Sea!

  • Lush 'Seanik' Shampoo Bar - I'll be honest, this is one I haven't used yet. I considered it a worthy investment, since I've been told they outlast some bottle shampoos. Plus, it's a naked product - with natural seaweed, lemon oil and sea salt, it smells A-MA-ZING.
  • Garnier 'Micellar Cleansing Water' - Having used this once at my friend's house, I realised what a good uni investment this would be. It not only outlasts makeup wipes by a country mile, but makes me skin feel fresh, without drying it out. I'm using the one for combination skin and over the past few days have noticed a slight improvement in oil control.

Home & Kitchen

  • The Range - Okay, I said I wouldn't go into details about duvets and teatowels, but I've always been a fan of this shop for my homewear bargains. I got a throw cushion for £1.99 and two new pillows for £7! Plus... an assortment of potentially useless decorations, shh...
  • Primark Home - Call me stupid, I had no idea this existed a month ago. A whole new world was opened up to me when I took the escalator to the top floor and low and behold were teatowels, coasters and rose gold over-the-door hooks. Jackpot.
  • Asda - Don't discount the humble supermarket for the homeware bargain. I picked up a 50s inspired duvet and pillow set for just £5 - perfect for us uni-goers!

Music & Lyrics

  • 'Look What You Made Me Do', Taylor Swift - This song has mixed reviews but undeniably, Taylor's lyrics are ALWAYS absolute goals. From a technical perspective, okay it's mainstream sounding, but it's cleverly done - yes people she didn't steal from Right Said Fred, she used 'I'm Too Sexy' as a sampling track and it's credited. Makes a damn point and I just covered it on my Instagram! Check it out HERE :)
  • 'Lifeline', Orla Gartland - Oh my goodness is this girl talented. Another song I'm thinking of covering, Orla has such a way with music and technology - she made the track with a loop pedal and it sounds awesome. I genuinely can't get enough of this track, so check it out righty HERE!
  • 'Violet', Hippo Campus - This is definitely my summer jam! It's really airy-sounding and reminds me of having barbecues and water fights. Plus the band is called 'Hippo Campus' what a cool name! Check out their song and the rest of my summer playlist righty HERE!

That's all for this month's shortlist. Let me know what you've been loving this August and remember...

Hannah x

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