#34: Sober's Guide to Freshers

September 26, 2017

I'm not the partying type. So Freshers Week was always a little daunting, what with predrinking house parties, loud and claustrophobic clubs and thousands of people on campus at any one time. Having lived through the week and actually had... fun?!... it seems only right I give you the full run down on how us homebirds can handle it.

Step One: Normalise your surroundings

I hung photos I know make me smile on my walls, included a few decorative pieces from my bedroom and picked out a few comfy cushions to make my dorm room a home away from home. After snuggling into my comfy blanket and making myself a hot cuppa, video calling a best mate is something guaranteed to make all this seem a little bit normal again!

Step Two: Develop a routine

Okay, I am dreadful at this one, but give me a chance - I'm trying! When I wake up at the same time every day, go through my 'to-do's and get dressed in preppy-style uni clothes, I feel a sense of purpose (not to mention fabulous... see last week's post!) Having a routine to my day throws my mind back in order and I can start to normalise the new situation.

Step Three: Mix!

Easier said than done. I'm an extrovert and don't have too much of an issue talking to new people and making friends. But I do have a couple of introverted buddies, so I'll pass on my tips for starting convos to you guys. Find common interests; someone in the kitchen's cooking pizza? "Omg I love pizza! Big question - pineapple or no pineapple?" The best ones will come to you... and by the way, Hawaiian pizza is nothing without that tropical goodness - #pineappleforthewin!

Step Four: Netflix and Grill

Can't beat cheese on toast and watching episode on episode of your favourite series. I much prefer it to the club scene and although I tried it out once, paying money to stand back-to-back on a hot sweaty dancefloor is not my idea of fun. I didn't hate it, but for a night-in kinda gal like me, it's not worth the dollar. Hack - bring your slipper socks and dressing gown. You won't regret it on the cold Autumnal evenings.


Those are all the tips I have for you. Most importantly, have fun - people are putting on a show for you and they want you to enjoy it! Go to Freshers Fayre, see what interests you and don't be afraid to invent a new, 'uni-fied' you! And if this post just isn't enough for you, check out Hollie's 'Introvert's Guide to Freshers' over on Hesperosaurus this Sunday. Remember...

Hannah x

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